Agreement reached on future of Burtch Lands

The Haudenosaunee Confederacy Chiefs Council (HCCC) and the Six Nations Elected Council (SNEC) are pleased to announce that they have reached an agreement on various issues affecting the community. Representatives attended a mediation before the Honourable Frank Iacobucci, a retired Judge of the Supreme Court of Canada, on March 22, 2018.

SNEC and HCCC are pleased to announce that they have since finalized a Joint Agreement Between HCCC and SNEC for Future Relationship. The Joint Agreement arises from the shared recognition that respect, peace, harmony and friendship are sacrosanct, of the importance of respect for community, each other, and for one another’s faiths and affiliations, that although history is not to be forgotten, the focus shall be on the future, and the fundamental principle of Gwego Enska and the Great Law. SNEC and HCCC have entered into the Joint Agreement on the basis that the status quo is unacceptable to both HCCC and SNEC.In accordance with the Joint Agreement, SNEC and HCCC will hold an initial meeting facilitated by the Honourable Frank Iacobucci.

At that meeting, and hopefully on a continuing basis thereafter, HCCC and SNEC shall pursue in good faith and for the benefit of the community, the following:

  1. Develop a framework for ongoing regular dialogue to address matters of mutual concern and of concern to the community.
  2. Develop a process for information sharing, working together, and conflict resolution mechanisms.
  3. Commit to Mr. Iacobucci (or another mediator) being able to make recommendations where appropriate that shall be available to the community at large.


The HCCC and SNEC have jointly agreed that agricultural drainage tiling should be installed on the Burtch lands. This work will be carried out through an outside contractor in accordance with best practices for water management on such lands, and in that regard the contractor will consult with the designates of HCCC and SNEC familiar with such matters before finalizing any plan for the tiling on these lands.

The SNEC has been able to arrange with the Province for an ex-tension of its earlier funding commitment to enable this work to be carried out. SNEC and Kristine Hill have also agreed to a shared approach to taking the dispute about the farming of the Burtch Lands in 2017 out of the Court system and into mediation or, if necessary, arbitration.


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