Brantford police on the lookout for thieves
A guitar, Ipad and Jewelry was stolen from a home on Grand River Avenue on Monday.
Brantford Police Service was called after an unknown person forced open the front door sometime during the day Monday.
A vehicle was damaged overnight Sunday.
Brantford Police say the rear passenger window was smashed out of a vehicle on Blackburn Drive sometime during the night. What was stolen is unknown.
A home on Terrace Hill Street was broken into.
Brantford police received a call Monday after someone tried to force the rear door open sometime overnight. The rear door was damaged, but the suspect did not get in. Nothing was reported missing.
A vehicle was stolen from a parking lot Monday night.
Just after 11:30 p.m. Brantford Police were called after a 2000 GMC Sierra pick-up truck was stolen from a parking lot at a local business on Icomm Drive.
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