PC candidate Bouma knocking on doors to get his message out

Willem Bouma has a lot on his table as he campaigns under the Progressive Conservative banner in Brant-Brantford. Already a County councilor, he is still keeping up his county council responsibilities. Questioned on the legality of holding down his council position and receiving his county honorarium he says he has cleared it all through the county clerk. And according to the Municipal Act, he can legally retain his council seat and run provincially. Under the Act, you are allowed to be absent from municipal council for 3 months.
The married father of five children, he emigrated to Canada with his parents. Bouma, an optician, operates a successful business in St. George as well serves as a volunteer firefighter.
Bouma has what might be the answer to those voters not sold on his leader, the controversial Doug Ford. It’s simple, “if you don’t like Ford vote for your local PC candidate.”
He does concede that he is getting some negative reaction to Doug Ford.
On the topic of issues in this election, Bouma  sites the need for a new hospital for Brant-Brantford.. He adds that what is really needed across the province is an affordable health care program that doesn’t require hospital treatment for people. More long term-care funding is also badly needed. 
He takes the present government to task for failing to listen to people. He sites the local issue of the expansion of the green belt area in Brantford. He says the Ontario Municipal Board went ahead with expanding the green belt area without any consultation with local government. He says that is a good example of the government not listening to the people but just going ahead and forcing issues on people.
In respect to the campaign slugging, Bouma prefers the door-to-door technique over social media to get his message out to voters,  Bouma estimates he will have knocked on an estimated 25-thousand doors before the campaign is over later this week. That’s a lot of doors.. One of those doors just might be yours. In the 2014 provincial election the Conservatives placed second, about 4-thousand votes behind Liberal winner Dave Levac.

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