Broken bones, bruises, and hilarious baseball.
Wednesday August 29th, 2018 was the championship game for the Paris Ladies 3-Pitch League. Pam Whiting (the leagues administrator), facilitates, and organizes games from May until August. There are four teams of 15 women who play to the best of their ability each week. This is a recreational league, so you’re experience level can range from “I haven’t played in years!” to “I’m super competitive and need another game!”. Women who have never played have joined and learned the game. The cost is $50.00 which provides a team t-shirt, covers the expenses of the annual after season party, provides the required equipment, scoring materials, umpires, and the diamond rental.
The last game of this season included some minor injuries: cracked ribs, and a massive bruise from a line drive. Although a safety net is provided for pitchers, sometimes we get hit, as seen here with Nancy Vanderlip’s side view. Nancy has been playing baseball for over twenty years, is a team captain, and pitches. Nancy was pitching when that line drive slammed into her side. She was quick to see it coming, and she did her best to get out of the way. After the ice was applied, Nancy continued playing like nothing happened. Ironically, her team colour this year was purple. She’s alright, it’s just a bruise. Such a trooper!

Photo provided by Nancy Vanderlip.
I hit the ball in Stacy Dafoe’s general direction. She, in my opinion, is the best player in the league with an arm like a rocket, and an overall athlete. I had to speed up to get to first base, and I’m quick runner. Her perfect throw comes from short-stop, and it’s going to be a very close call. I thought I was out because the sound came inches before my foot hit first base. However, that sound wasn’t the glove catching the ball that I heard, it was the thump on my rib cage that stopped that rocket ball. Ouch! Unfortunately, the first base player only tipped the ball with her glove. I walked it off for a minute, while a pinch runner immediately took my spot. Ice was provided, and applied to the area. I continued playing baseball as normal, even played a second game at 7:00 p.m. to help out the Green team because they were down a player. Little did I know my ribs actually got cracked. It was a mistake, an accident, and these things happen in baseball, even at our super fun recreational level.
There’s no blame, and the other team players were all very concerned for my well-being, as well as Nancy’s. I’ve been playing in this league for five years now, and my injury was a fluke. Usually there are bruises from balls being stopped by legs instead of gloves. Be prepared to watch the plays so you don’t get injured. Play safe, and pay attention.
The Blue team, feature image, was sponsored by Burns Insurance, and they won first place! Congratulations ladies!
Purples sponsor was the Navy League of Brantford, winning second place.
Third went to the Red team sponsored by K.R.S. Hairstyling and Jackson Roofing,
and the Green team, sponsored by Cozy Commanda Lake Cottages, decided last place was for them.
“It seems like a lot of the women have been playing for a fairly long time together. I’m really glad to be playing again after 20 years, and to be meeting some really fun people.” Wrote Melissa Patterson, a newer member just finishing her second year with this league.
We welcome women above the age of 18, and our eldest active player is 66. Should you be interested to join us, feel free to contact Pam Whiting at 519-755-0501 with any questions.
This is a seriously hilarious league. During the championship game, Vicky Jones, playing center field, caught a fly ball. The teams all expected her to throw the ball in quickly, however, Vicky was happily dancing around instead! We all had a great laugh together, with her and at her. We later learned, this was the second time she made a catch in the field, and she was thrilled! Trust me, there are hundreds of stories similar to this one.
Everyone gets along, becoming weekly friends or closer. There’s no complaining, or whining about plays, it’s just a bunch of women who enjoy a sport that can laugh at themselves. We have ALL made awesome plays, AND screwed up the easiest of plays at times too. Everyone gets to have fun. All of us have struck out. All of us have hit the ball. We all try, that’s what we do.
Even the spectators have a blast watching because they can’t help but laugh, then cheer us on. Once in a while someone hits a home run and there’s cheering from every direction. When you miss a catch, or fumble a throw, someone close by will make you laugh. I absolutely love this league!
(Publisher’s note; We encourage submission of more stories about recreational sports and include fun photographs. This is an important part of our 4BRANT community quality of life . Send them to
Photography provided by: Back Of The Room Photography
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