Your Neighbourhood | You CAN Make it Better

Citizen Journalist, Sylvia Collins has a diverse background in both advocating for the needs of individuals AND celebrating the growth of a neighbourhood. She is one of the organizers in the Holmedale Neighbourhood Association in Brantford. Her essay is gratefully received by 4BRANT and shared with you, our readers.
Making – ABCD (Assets Based Community Development)!
Have you ever wondered what makes up the fabric of your neighbourhood? Who are the
makers and shakers in your community? Where do they meet? How do they get involved and
bring their ideas to fruition? What resources do you already have available to you to bring
forward your own ideas?
Well, on October 3rd and 4th and 5th you have a chance to find out, and investigate more. !
Community Living Brant, Brant County Health Unit, and Grand River Healthy Communities are
all working together to bring you this three day Symposium. 
Registration Desk Open at Best Western, 19 Holiday Dr., Brantford 3:00 to 5:00 pm October 3
What is a “Making Symposium”? Each of us is a member of a community. Each one of us is a
part of the fabric of our own community, and a larger world community. This symposium is
being brought to you in the interest of building awareness of the assets in each of our
communities. It’s all about being able to identify people, spaces, places, services, groups,
organizations or facilities as assets or gifts in our own communities. When these gifts are
woven together there is a foundation being built for greatness and success. This symposium
will open up investigation into the assets that are in the communities of Brantford, Brant
County, Six Nations, and surrounding areas, and help us discover how they all weave together
to build our communities. Your community may be only a few blocks, or the entire county. We
all define community dierently. No matter the size, there will be assets in your community, and
when used together they can increase their worth and success. This symposium brings forward
the idea that each community has deficits, but it also has assets. When used together the
assets are what makes our communities better, safer, fuller, richer and more sustainable!
There will be guest speakers, work shops, bus tours, meals shared and loads of ideas.

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