Holmedale Porch Party | A Community Event NOT a Block Party

The royalty chess pieces pictured above are Mayor Davis and Organizer Sylvia Collins

Kids sneak over to the jungle gym to savour their fries.

Where else can you see: a cowgirl festooned troubadour; line dancing down the block; and a bagpiper meandering amidst the crowd.

And it is all FREE!

When a Neighbourhood Association, like the one in Holmedale, has its annual ‘Porch Party’, it’s a city celebration and everyone is welcome.

Kids run and play in safety as they have for generations in Brantford in the summer.

Organizer Sylvia Collins lives across from Buck Park on Spring Street and brings out the best of her local community to strut and strum for hundreds of visitors from Brantford to Nova Scotia.

Mayor Davis with his wife Lisa and several City Councillors meet the folks, play a little chess, dance to the music and prove how the folks in town like to lay out a party.

Vendors vend.

Folks frolic.

Parks and Recreation staff meet and greet while distributing fresh popped corn.

scheduled musicians across multiple porches ranging from grunge to grass, folk to funky, and rockabilly to hard rock?

But there’s more! The entire event is also a first for keeping the park clean by a group ‘The Green Team’, dedicated individuals who intend to participate in many more events with formalized recycling.

Councillor Cheryl Antoski  is instrumental in encouraging the greening of events, sustainability through environmental concern and community garden developments She attributes the success to many volunteers similarly motivated around the city.

Put it in your calendar for the first Sunday of Summer 2020!

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