Free Public Laurier Seminar on Local News Alternatives

With the decline of traditional newspaper availability and unaccountable or ill-informed social media in small markets, how can we assure a local perspective, a local voice and local stories getting the attention they deserve?

Laurier University – Brantford Campus, invites you to a FREE PUBLIC  seminar to address this issue.

What: Public Lecture, “Getting the News You Need: Pathways to Local News”

Where: Research and Academic Centre | RCW 203, 150 Dalhousie St., Brantford 

 When: Thursday, November 7, 2019  Doors open | 6:30 p.m.  |   Refreshments available Panel discussion   7–9 p.m.  | All are welcome.

What are the challenges facing news outlets in our area? How do we engage

citizens in reading and supporting local news? How do we make local news

financially viable in an era of “free” news found on social media? How do

local people find out about important issues?

Join us for a panel presentation and discussion with representatives from a 

range of news media outlets, as they discuss how people get their news.


Bruce Gillespie  |  Associate Professor, Wilfrid Laurier University

Panel Participants:     

John Bradford  |  Founder and online publisher,

Nahnda Garlow  |  Onondaga Nation – Beaver Clan, editor, Two Row Times
Patti Berardi  |  Television and multimedia producer, Rogers TV, community volunteer

Jason Freeze  |  Community news publisher,

We want to hear your concerns and suggestions.

RSVP by November 1, 2019 to:

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