H.O.P.E. for Mental Health Support | Brantford makes a difference!
NOTE From the Desk of the Publisher..
Please join me in welcoming our newest Citizen Journalist, Shannon Pickering. Shannon is one of a group of local folks that volunteer to support those in our families and neighbours that struggle through mental illness.
Where there is H.O.P.E. there is promise, and each dollar raised through H.O.P.E.’s upcoming Walk for H.O.P.E. fundraising event brings the promise of support for people with mental illness.
H.O.P.E. (Helping Ourselves through Peer Support and Employment) is a Brantford-based organization run by and for consumers of mental health services. It works collaboratively within our community to empower people in their recovery by providing meaningful employment, peer support, education and advocacy. At the cornerstone of H.O.P.E.’s peer support initiatives is its weekly Peer Support Drop-in Centre.
Walk for H.O.P.E. takes place on Saturday October 5, with proceeds going to H.O.P.E.’s weekly Peer Support Drop-in Centre. Registration opens at 8:30 am at Phoenix Place Apartments, 175 Dalhousie Street. 10 km and 5km routes are offered and start at 9:30 and 10:30, respectively. Shorter routes are available, if requested.
The drop-in centre is open from 12:00 to 2:30 every Saturday at 175 Dalhousie Street. Since traditional mental health supports are unavailable on weekends, it fills in an important gap in offering support for people suffering from mental illness. The drop-in centre hosts approximately 80 participants per month and offers enjoyable recreational activities, access to peer support, and an empathetic network of like-minded individuals.
After operating for four years, the drop-in centre briefly closed in 2018 after losing its main funding source. Thanks to community donations and dedicated volunteers, it reopened in February 2018.
The drop-in centre still lacks a permanent source of funding. It relies on donations and fundraising events such as Walk for H.O.P.E. to remain open and able to serve the community. Every dollar raised through Walk for H.O.P.E. goes directly to the drop-in centre, which currently operates on a $20 per week budget.
Throughout the year, H.O.P.E. hosts additional peer support events, including an annual Recovery Breakfast. This free event celebrates people in their journey to recovery from mental illness and addiction.
Their 5th annual Recovery Breakfast takes place on at the Sherwood Restaurant on Wednesday October 9th starting at 10 am. Donations of door prizes for this event are greatly appreciated.
Walk for H.O.P.E. is your opportunity to make a difference in the lives of individuals affected by mental illness. To register for the walk or for the Recovery Breakfast, please call Joanne Cleland at 519-751-1694 or email joanne@hopebrant.ca. Donations can be made by visiting www.hopebrant.ca/donate.
Thank you Shannon Pickering for sharing this on 4BRANT.COM
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