Special Olympians Heading to National Competition
In this 50th anniversary of Special Olympics Canada, Brant Special Olympics is sending 16 Athletes to the special Olympic National Competitions, May 10-29, in Charlottetown Prince Edward island.
Special Olympian, Nick
They will be competing in Track and Field, Bocci Ball, 5-pin and 10-pin Bowling. Despite local sponsorship and national financial support, training and facilities are a burden to overcome as well as the athletic competition.
For the next month there will be five fundraising events hosted at the Staples store in Brantford thanks to the efforts of staff, under direction of the Service Manager Kelly Breuls. The goal is to raise $25,000 overall by bringing entertainment to each ‘Food Truck Thursday’ event.
To have fun…you have to have a little Faith…
This week it was kicked off with Brantford Cheer – The Bolts,
and Stars in Motion Cloggers as entertainment.
David Levac, although recently retired as Brant M.P.P., will always be the loudest supporter of Special Olympians locally and as a former member of the Provincial Special Olympics Board. He will be maintaining his title of ‘Speaker of the House’ until provincial elections are over and a new Speaker is chosen likely, as he says, ‘September-ish’. He claims the Olympic Athletes have always been his ‘Juice’ in his provincial representative capacity, as they overcome adversity and demonstrate real skill development every day in their lives.
Dave Levac, The Brantford Cheer, Special Olympians and Stars in Rhythm Cloggers
The Bolts are new to Brant this year and thrilled to support this fundraiser. They have 35 athletes developing cheer leading skills at the prep level and in tumbling classes. As well, they have 40 All-star Athletes competing for provincial and national competitions over the next year. Although the national team has been selected for Canada to compete in cheering in Tokyo in 2020 Summer Games as an exhibition sport, the Brant young ladies are dreaming of their own international recognition as they grow with the sport.
To inquire about The Bolts: contact Abbey Girard, brantfordcheer@gmail.com
To reach The Ontario Rhythm Cloggers/Stars in Motion: Contact Colleen Zurbrigg, ClogQueen@bell.net
To inquire, donate or volunteer with Special Olympics Brant: contact Jenn Hatfield through her personal Facebook page.
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