It’s official! Guinness recognizes Doug Hunt as ‘World’s tallest stilt walker’ in Brantford, Ontario, Canada
Doug Hunt is recognized for his local fundraising on behalf of the clients with disabilities at Participation Support Services of Brantford in front of hundreds of thousands local families over the years. He attends just about every event, announcement, concert, airshow or Christmas Parade standing 8 feet above his fans, in a variety of costumes to reflect the event, and performing magic tricks.
They call him ‘Doug The Great’, and the clients of Participation Support Services benefit from his entertainment.
Now he’s known as ‘Doug The Greatest’!

At 67 years-of-age, and 5’5 in physical stature, Doug stands humbly as the tallest stilt walker in the entire world! And more enlightening, his quest to be the very best has been his aspiration since 1997. Doug began this journey in 1997 as a celebration of Brantford’s Sesquicentennial, 150 years young. This 2023 recognition is officially ’14 forward steps in one move, unassisted by his team or any mechanical support, at an altitude of 55 feet’, to be precise. Did I mention he has no ACL on one leg, requiring a brace for physical balance? His daughter Megan was in a dance competition as a child and Dad tried to copy her moves… apparently Doug can’t dance… he exploded his ACL. Or that the gusting winds during the successful attempt were at least 30-50 mph? Or that each carbon fibre stilt made by Gary Ensmenger (who does similar work for Disney World) with an aluminum extension, (designed and installed by Catherwood Welding, Brantford) weighs more than 80 pounds? . Or, all the previous attempts leading to his first Guinness Record success was a younger Doug, in 2001 at the height of 50’9″ (They measure the stilts, not the person, otherwise a taller individual could use his stilts and take the record)? To top it off, or under foot to be really correct, Doug has used this same favourite Doc Martens boots welded to the stilts, since he started this venture a quarter century ago.

I see a REALLY high potential marketing opportunity here Doc Martens, Camden, United Kingdom…
“It’s not just about balance.”, Hunt reminds, “It’s about mastering the skills under real conditions and controlled stops (as I walk forward, not falling forward)). I practiced in an 80 foot wide silo on the Pate family Brantwood Farm in Brant with a scaffold built inside to climb to the top of the stilts. It’s seriously dangerous and I don’t want to harm others. It’s a challenge for us, for the team, but the challenge became an opportunity. I work as the Director of Fundraising for Participation Support Services, in Brantford. The folks we support, live with challenges every day, most of us can’t imagine that as a permanent lifestyle. We do this event to bring their needs to broader public attention. That is the opportunity that drives us.”

Appropriately, his aspiration has become his inspiration for folks of all ages:
“You can accomplish whatever you commit to… and when that is recognized… you can still do better with will, determination and the village to support you. If you have the right attitude and want to try anything, each attempt is not failure, it’s simply a ‘process’… you can never be successful if you don’t try.”

Doug stands below his stilts and visualizes his planned every move. Next to him is his Coach/Physiotherapist Tom Rollins.

From the beginning the village was there for him: Doug’s wife Katie, and with the greatest pride, sends him loving thoughts with her favourite description of him, ‘Hunny-Bunny’; his Team under the Guinness official leadership by Dave Levac (former M.P.P. and Speaker of the House for the Government of Ontario) ; the list of the team, donors and official supporters is included in the e-mails tagged as attached.

The Ground Team monitoring to steps in troughs designed for accuracy of measurement.

Brantford Town Crier, David McKee heralded his proclamation of success along with Doug, Doug’s proud daughter, Megan Wilson, and his absolutely glowing Grandson, Seth.

Seth signing Poppa’s stilts.
The attached video represents the stages of ascension and then the various attempts at the record before his finale and fist bump for success. You see the location as the Wayne Gretzky Sports Centre in Brantford Ontario and in front of the flags is a massive statue of Wayne lifting the Stanley Cup as though passing it to that giant on stilts, and also a giant in personality, Doug Hunt.(Editor’s Note: The drone pilot Gary Foster, of Burford Ontario has generously allowed the publishing of Doug’s World Record footage. He noted that he uses a gyro mounted camera and of particular note:
“Because of the Gyroscopic gimbal mounting, the camera never moves BUT the movement you see is, in fact, the movement of the 80 foot cranes on either side of Doug. When you see Doug react to the motion around him, he is reacting to the 30-50mph gusting wind moving the cranes!”

All sponsors donated literally $10s of thousands in-kind and dollars to make this attempt a success: David Van Elslander; Gary Ensmenger; Catherwood Welding; Riveronscaffold; Craneway Cranes; Acme Aerials; Bob Philips, Cohoon Engineering and so many more included in email tags attached.
WE DID IT!Congratulations to World Record Attempt Team Leader Dave Levac and our Amazing Team!Special Thanks toCity of Brantford and WGSC.&Thank you to all our sponsors and supporters.You are allTRULY AMAZING!Doug The GreatEST (word edit is Editor’s decision, not Humble Doug.)
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